
Voxus offers high-quality, evidence-based counselling and therapy to clients to deliver real results.

Our therapy is founded in the Awareness-Acceptance-Action Model of change which encourages individuals to assess and accept the key factors of their approach and environment.

Highly Trained Psychologists

Our psychologists and counsellors are highly trained and have extensive experience and knowledge in the mental health sector.

Client-Centered Approach

Focusing on helping clients help themselves by taking ownership of their journey forward and to build self-efficacy and resilience during the process.

Sustainable Mental Health

Building sustainable mental health and a general high level of well-being in clients through long-term, evidence-based solutions.

  • Anxiety is persisting worry which impacts our behaviour, thoughts and emotions disproportionate to the potential threat/danger. Small doses of anxiousness can help boost arousal levels and increase performance and well-being.

    However, when our anxiousness grows, it can diminish our focus, limit our problem-solving ability and reduce our quality of life and level of well-being. Individuals will come to understand what anxiety is, recognise their triggers and any early warning signs as well as strategies to control their anxiety.

  • Depression is classified as a ‘mood disorder’, characterised by persistent and overwhelming feelings of sadness, and depressed moods that impact our daily activities.

    This ranges from short-term periods of depressed moods to clinical depression which is characterised by symptoms that last for at least 2 weeks, for the majority of the day nearly every day.

    This feeling can cause significant distress to the individual and significantly impact their quality of life and their ability to function daily.

  • Stress is an inevitable part of life. Do we let it negatively impact our behaviour and overwhelm our coping? Or do we respond positively to it and become solution-focused?

    These sessions will teach individuals applicable strategies to limit the negative impact of stress as well as assist individuals in rethinking the way stress is perceived, the benefits it can have if used appropriately and ways to live a life that is meaningful, purposeful and healthy.

  • Individuals will learn the power of regularly practising mindfulness and gratefulness. The sessions will take individuals through a variety of mindfulness techniques which they can utilise in their daily routine.

  • Burnout impacts nearly half of the working population at any single point in time. It is defined as the ‘cost of good intentions and passions’. When left unrecognised, the effects of burnout can last over three years.

    These sessions help individuals identify burnout, recognise the different stages and learn how to find and recover from burnout.

  • Individuals will learn how to integrate their personal life and professional lives to maintain a high level of well-being.

  • Assistance and support with strategies to respond to traumatic experiences ranging from domestic violence, physical abuse, and assault to any event or experience causing distress or trauma to the individual.

  • Relationships are pivotal to our well-being. Engagement with others can help build our sense of connection to a higher meaning and care from others.

    These sessions help individuals overcome various complications or conflicts arising in their relationships with strategies to improve their relationships.

  • The way an individual handles, resolves and moves on to action post-conflict will ultimately determine their happiness, resilience, performance and longevity.

    These sessions teach individuals strategies to use conflict constructively and ways to resolve complex situations.

  • Support and assistance with dealing with and responding to the loss of a loved one or close individual.

  • Everyone experiences anger and is a normal emotion to have, however, mismanaged anger or uncontrollable, outbursts of anger can have significant impacts on an individual’s personal life, relationships and mental and physical health.

    These sessions will assist individuals in the identification of an anger problem, strategies to control this emotion and the triggers of the outbursts.

  • Confidence is undoubtedly a critical component of success. Individuals will explore how to develop confident humility to back themselves without becoming over-confident.

  • Sleep is becoming a growing issue, particularly in the working population. Not only does sleep impact our performance both at work and in our personal lives, but it can also have significant consequences on our well-being.

    These sessions assist individuals with good ‘sleep wellness’ habits and how they can implement them into their daily routines.

  • Part of being a high-performing and happy individual is having set routines of reflective practice to assess and review their life, relationships and performance.

    Reflective practice enables the individuals to determine how strengths can be applied, and work and life areas developed and improved.